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Frequently Asked Questions

Who is eligible to shop at the DG PENCIL Box?

All Metro Nashville public school teachers are allowed one shopping experience per quarter. Teacher Ambassadors are awarded an extra shopping trip for being an DGPB liaison within metro schools. Teachers can sign up for a shopping appointment here

Are there alternatives to shopping in person at the physical stores?

In lieu of coming to the Free Teacher Store, we can also deliver supplies via our PENCIL Van, provided by Nissan. There are no other alternate shopping options at this time.

Where is the DG PENCIL Box?

PENCIL headquarters and the main DG PENCIL Box are located in the same warehouse space. The address is 7199 Cockrill Bend Blvd, Nashville, TN 37209.

What items are most needed?

Teachers always need basic school supplies such as pencils, pens, markers, crayons, glue, scissors, and notebook filler paper. Teachers are very creative and use products that you would never imagine in a classroom. Check out our wish list for specifics.

Are there any limits for shoppers?

Yes - many items are limited to ensure that merchandise is fairly distributed to all schools and their students. Those items are clearly marked with the maximum quantities allowed. The shoppers will also be made aware of the limits via Teacher Shopping Sheet, which each teacher fills out as they shop. All items are donated - we cannot guarantee any particular item will be in stock.

How much is a shopping trip worth?

During the most recent school year, teachers left our free teacher store with an average of $400 of valuable school supplies.

Can students volunteer at the DG PENCIL Box for community service hours?

Yes - students ages 14 and over are encouraged to fulfill their community service hours at the DG PENCIL Box.

Are there any other programs like the DG PENCIL Box around the country?

Yes - the DG PENCIL Box operates similarly to 39 other resource centers nationally. We share best practices and other benefits on a regular basis as a member of The Kids In Need Foundation.