PENCIL is excited to introduce Darius Moore, the new Partnership Manager for the Northwest Quadrant of Metro Nashville Public Schools.
Read on to learn a bit more about Darius:
My primary role consists of working with individuals, businesses, and organizations within the Nashville community to develop, maintain, and grow relationships & partnerships for Metro Nashville Public Schools — specifically in the Northwest quadrant.
I work with teachers, faculty, and school leadership; to advocate on behalf of students. My job is to make sure that the schools I serve are connected with the proper business Partner(s) to obtain the resources they need to succeed.
I am most excited about how impactful our work has been, is, and will be. Spending time with some of the originators — people like Sue Spickard and Donna Gilley — has allowed me to see our history and why our work is so necessary. Having the opportunity to work with high-character, quality individuals like Sandra and Bob who have some sweat-equity in PENCIL gives me great perspective on why we work the way we work. They give me perspective of how hard work and continuous nurturing of a good seed can produce some amazing fruit in the form of personal and professional success. Even more amazing and wonderful to me are the relationships that are created, cultivated and developed with everyone from individual students to industry and community leaders. The future and what my work today will yield tomorrow is what excites me about working for PENCIL.