Leaders come in all shades and from diverse neighborhoods, each person carrying a personal history that affects their worldview.
But every leader has one thing in common: a vision.
A current group of 34 are blossoming through PENCIL, bringing life to their vision by making a difference in their community and in Metro Nashville Public Schools. This group has formed the PENCIL Emerging Leaders Board to become the change they wish to see.
“What inspired me to become a part of the Emerging Leaders is the opportunity to spread the message and good news about what is happening in (Metro) Nashville Public Schools,” said Emerging Leaders Board member Samantha Perez. “I think there are a lot of incorrect, preconceived notions about who our public school students are and what’s happening in those schools. This is a great opportunity to communicate out to the broader community about all the great work our teachers are doing and what the students are doing.”
The PENCIL Emerging Leaders Board meets once a month to discuss their mission and purpose in three groups: Executive/Culture Committee, Development/Finance Committee and the Marketing Committee. The October meeting was held in the R.C. Mathews Contractor building, a supporter of PENCIL thanks to PENCIL Board Member Kaitlyn Jones.
The team also volunteers at various PENCIL events, such as the upcoming Principal for a Day and, the recent Titans School Supply Drive.
“I decided to get involved with the PENCIL Emerging Leaders board because I completely believe in their mission and what they are doing to help young people achieve academic success,” said Emerging Board Member Jill Fox. “Metro Nashville Public Schools is an awesome community and I think if we can get leaders around the table to talk about how we can support young people, teachers and staff, we can make change for the better in Metro schools.”
The Emerging Leaders introduced their elected officers to lead the team’s message:
President: Jacki Artis (Mayor’s Office Economic & Community Development
President Elect: Teade Tagaloa (LP Building Solutions)
Secretary: Brandi Coates (Frist Art Museum)
Treasurer: Marques Whitmire (Allovue)
Marketing Committee Head: Simra Ranginwala (HCA CoreTrust)
Development/Finance Committee: Courtney Mullane (Vanderbilt University Peabody College)
“I want people to know we are a diverse group of young professionals who are passionate about education and really want to contribute back to the community in a big way,” Perez said.